Sunday, July 25, 2010

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Sparks - Number 1 Song In Heaven

If you have never seen this video it is so worth checking out. Sparks is a totally under-rated band. This song, by the by, was produced by Georgio Moroder, of "I FEEL LOVE" and Bowie's "PUTTING OUT FIRE.." fame....

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

British Scholar Claims to Have Unlocked Plato's Musical and Mathematical Code

British Scholar Claims to Have Unlocked Plato's Musical and Mathematical Code

well no shit sherlock. actually it's good that these things are made public 'cause for most people it asks as many questions as it answers.(like: why would Plato have to keep the fact he was a follower of Pythagoras mum in the first place? If it's a musical/mathmatical code, what does it sound like? Can I dance to it? ...keeps the Mystery ... how you say, Mysterious!
Long live the Mathematikoi!