Saturday, June 26, 2010
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Now is the Only Thing that is Real.

It is usually a crisis that brings an end to current reality and ushers in a new way of living / thinking / being. This crisis may take the form of the intervention of a deity in history, a war, a change in the environment or the reaching of a new level of consciousness. If a better world results, we say it is "utopian". If a worse, it is "dystopian." The eschaton is actually a predictable effect of the continuous creation/destruction model. As reality creates and destroys itself, it does so to allow for dynamism or movement, or change, Lighting the mind up like a firebombed motorcade. Change allows for the growth of complexity, as does the nature of the underlying vibration fields that actually is material reality. It is a predictable part of reality that complexity would increase over time. Further the increase in complexity should proceed predictably toward a crescendo point, in so far as mind is concerned. This crescendo is probably associated with an increase in complexity of the perception of time such that an eschaton will be reached. Thereafter the ‘what’ of reality is the new foundation we learn to surf like cooling lava which even now fills the mould of this exalted collective spiraltechnic thoughtform.
The continuous creation/destruction model of reality also, necessarily, proves that human consciousness is outside of ‘time’ and ‘material reality’ as we all ‘know’. However this model of reality demonstrates that consciousness must be independent of material reality as it would otherwise be ‘destroyed’ 22/twenty-two trillion times a second. This cannot be happening as there is a known, demonstrable continuity over ‘time’ or through the pulse/pause series. That we have consciousness persisting beyond a single burst pulse/pause event demonstrates that consciousness is outside of, and is not affected by, material reality. Further this establishes that consciousness is ‘immortal’ as it is not destroyed. It can also be noted that consciousness is also not affected by time. That is to say, while mental perceptions within life change and ‘age’, consciousness does not change. It is there until it separates from material reality at what we have labeled the point of death. While the continuous creation/destruction model of reality does not allow for traveling in time, it does allow for knowledge of both past and future within the present moment. Of course the mind can record and retain memories of past events in the continuous creation of time and reality, and thus have a knowledge of ‘past’ time.
Understanding how the corporal mind can have knowledge of the future is not so easily seen in the continuous creation/destruction model of universe. As the mind functions at such a low level of vibration relative (30 to 60 ‘frames’ of reality per second), and noting that there is NOT a solid thing in universe, including the perceiving human brain, and that all in universe is actually vibration, it can be noted that as reality creates itself, it will ALWAYS be creating itself ‘ahead’ of the mental abilities of those beings within material reality. Stated another way, since your mind is consuming time in cogitation about reality, it is doing so ‘behind’ the actual creation of the reality it contemplates. Therefore the mind doing the perceiving of reality is always operating behind the creation/destruction of reality, and so to speak, is operating as a memory, rather than a really instant expression of the now. Thus reality is ever so slightly ‘ahead’ in creating/destroying itself, and thus the ‘mind’ of those experiencing time, is vibrating at a slower level than the passage of time. Thus the lag time in mental processing means that the ‘future’ is being created now, while we are really perceiving the ‘now’ as memories. In this understanding then, and noting that our bodies and minds are actually standing and dynamic vibration fields, vibrating in sync with universe, it becomes understandable that as creation/destruction occurs, it will necessarily affect or impact some of the waves/fields that compose those of us experiencing time. Therefore, ever so slightly ‘ahead’ of our ability to process it, is knowledge of the future just created. This is one level of knowledge about the future, but continuous creation/destruction model allows for others. To provide a crude example for greater clarity, consider the sun. It takes an apparent 8.56 minutes for light to travel from the sun and reach earth. IF the sun were to explode now, or turn green now, your senses would not pick up that information for 8.56 minutes. Thus, in a real sense, you would be dead or green for a full 8.56 minutes without realizing it. However, for a more complete understanding of manifesting reality, we need to consider consciousness as well. Noting that consciousness is outside of, and is unaffected by time, we can postulate that the consciousness therefore is knowing about reality at an entirely different level than is perceived (or even perceivable?) within reality. It would therefore not be surprising if consciousness ‘knew everything’ about everything. It is extra-temporal, and is also ‘extra-reality’, in the sense that consciousness is outside of the continuous creation/destruction of reality. Therefore it likely knows all kinds of interesting things that it is simply not able, or willing to communicate to the mental processes that are within material reality. Nor should it. Likely the point of reality is the experiencing it as we do, and therefore too much ‘fore knowledge’ would put that experience at risk. Which is probably why the ‘uncertainty factor’ for all ‘future knowledge’ exists. This is to say that it is probably a necessary part of our mental sanity/process that uncertainty about the ‘future’ should exist until that ‘future’ manifests. I find this comforting. Do You?
The continuous creation/destruction model also supports the inherent validity of the concepts within meditation. Through meditative training (which may also be possible from drugs/chemicals?), the mind to consciousness link can be altered, and perception at a higher level of vibration is therefore possible. It’s a liquidation service for the soul. Thus the validity of the martial arts saying of “the novice moves from his extremities, the adept from his torso, and the master moves from mind”. And it therefore becomes understandable that the process of mastery, possibly of any discipline, brings the aspirant to a higher level of vibration, and thus a higher level of contact with continuously creating reality, and a potential for greater understanding of both Metaverse and themselves. Only then will the provisional gods you’ve held behind plexiglas step forth with new recipes for meringue soufflĂ©, and heaven knows what other wonders.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Every End, a Beginning....

As I was about to launch this, my fourth blog, I received this most timely e-mail which reminded me that "Timing is Everything." It is only appropriate that it should be the first post on "The New Reveal". As it is my belief that this time in history is different from any previous, that what happens in these days of revelation, and how we respond to the call, not only makes a difference, but in fact, creates the world anew. It is about taking RESPONSIBILITY (the ability to respond, rather than react).
Thanks to Soror Raphael.
Follow the link for the full
text and pass it on to those
others who have found themselves
awake at this, the dawn of the New Aeon.....
N.B.: a hearty ninety-three to all y'all what have made some acquaintance of this hopefully none-too-uppity aspirant. Love, and gratitude, and perhaps out and out laughter (of recognition) may one day again be appropriate. Soon, perhaps.
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
A Call to Sacrificial Duty
as there is no Work Greater than That of Halting & Reversing
the Events Currently Unfolding Undersea
at the Deepwater Horizon
Macondo Wellhead
I, Soror Raphael, being a Member of Our Illustrious Order by some reckonings, and a Member in Good Standing by none, do nonetheless, by virtue of the indissoluble bond to which my very being proves daily, do hereby call for an Universal Working and Sacramental Offering by all of the members of our Order, in good standing or otherwise, as well as by all Associates, Minervals, and other ancillary Stars in the company of these Stars; as well as all members of the Ecclessia Gnostica Catholica; of the Shadowy A.'.A.'.; those who conduct the Elusinian Mysteries, those who explore the Boundaries of the Spirit, Enochian, Goetic, Theurgic, or Synthetic; as well as all the friends and acquaintances necessarily attracted thereunto, and any others whatsoever, if they be but sufficiently skilled and capable.
Let them obtain a representation of the Terrestrial Orb, entire, and well marked after the modern fashion; let them have such with them at their place of working; and if they need specificity of time and place, let them face the Site of the Event, which even now gusheth: 28° 39′ N and 88° 23′ W or approximately 50 miles S.E. of the Mississippi Delta at the Edge of the Continental Shelf. Should any body desire a greater specificity, let the Culmination coincide with the Hour and Minute said to have marked, in the Evening of the 20th Day of April, 2010 e.v., the Beginning of the Present Tribulation: 9:56.
Let us work together; let us work alone; let us work in groups: sed semper ut rectificando Orbis Terrarum ubique vide in loco supra. May their Enthusiasm be Energized, may their Purpose be, if but for One Magickal Instant, even as tangible, as if it had indeed already come to pass. Let this globe remain in plain and open view for as many of the People of this Earth to view as is practicable.
May we all achieve The Certainty of that Conversation
which is Undefiled Knowledge
and Perfected Bliss.
Soror Raphael, I°
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oh, and apologies for my Lation should they be deemed appropriate. Be seeing you.
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