As I was about to launch this, my fourth blog, I received this most timely e-mail which reminded me that "Timing is Everything." It is only appropriate that it should be the first post on "The New Reveal". As it is my belief that this time in history is different from any previous, that what happens in these days of revelation, and how we respond to the call, not only makes a difference, but in fact, creates the world anew. It is about taking RESPONSIBILITY (the ability to respond, rather than react).
Thanks to Soror Raphael.
Follow the link for the full
text and pass it on to those
others who have found themselves
awake at this, the dawn of the New Aeon.....
N.B.: a hearty ninety-three to all y'all what have made some acquaintance of this hopefully none-too-uppity aspirant. Love, and gratitude, and perhaps out and out laughter (of recognition) may one day again be appropriate. Soon, perhaps.
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
A Call to Sacrificial Duty
as there is no Work Greater than That of Halting & Reversing
the Events Currently Unfolding Undersea
at the Deepwater Horizon
Macondo Wellhead
I, Soror Raphael, being a Member of Our Illustrious Order by some reckonings, and a Member in Good Standing by none, do nonetheless, by virtue of the indissoluble bond to which my very being proves daily, do hereby call for an Universal Working and Sacramental Offering by all of the members of our Order, in good standing or otherwise, as well as by all Associates, Minervals, and other ancillary Stars in the company of these Stars; as well as all members of the Ecclessia Gnostica Catholica; of the Shadowy A.'.A.'.; those who conduct the Elusinian Mysteries, those who explore the Boundaries of the Spirit, Enochian, Goetic, Theurgic, or Synthetic; as well as all the friends and acquaintances necessarily attracted thereunto, and any others whatsoever, if they be but sufficiently skilled and capable.
Let them obtain a representation of the Terrestrial Orb, entire, and well marked after the modern fashion; let them have such with them at their place of working; and if they need specificity of time and place, let them face the Site of the Event, which even now gusheth: 28° 39′ N and 88° 23′ W or approximately 50 miles S.E. of the Mississippi Delta at the Edge of the Continental Shelf. Should any body desire a greater specificity, let the Culmination coincide with the Hour and Minute said to have marked, in the Evening of the 20th Day of April, 2010 e.v., the Beginning of the Present Tribulation: 9:56.
Let us work together; let us work alone; let us work in groups: sed semper ut rectificando Orbis Terrarum ubique vide in loco supra. May their Enthusiasm be Energized, may their Purpose be, if but for One Magickal Instant, even as tangible, as if it had indeed already come to pass. Let this globe remain in plain and open view for as many of the People of this Earth to view as is practicable.
May we all achieve The Certainty of that Conversation
which is Undefiled Knowledge
and Perfected Bliss.
Soror Raphael, I°
For the original Document, please go to http://tinyurl.com/come2gether.
[long url: http://letsdoandsaywedid.blogspot.com/p/magickal-people-lets-come-together-we_20.html].
This document has been translated by Google for your convenience. Translated versions are available at the above address.
oh, and apologies for my Lation should they be deemed appropriate. Be seeing you.
thank you sir.